Write short note on L1, L2 and L3 cache memory.
1 Answer
written 8.4 years ago by |
If u consider a three level cache memory having L1, L2 and L3, the average access time (t) is given by
t= h1C1 + (1- h1) h2 C2+ (1- h1) (1- h2) C3+ (1- h1) (1- h2) (1- h3) M
h1=Hit rate in L1
h2 = Hit rate in L2
h3 = Hit rate in L3
C1= Access Time of L1
C2= Access Time of L2
C3= Access Time of L3
M=Access Time of Main memory
The number of misses in the L2 and L3 cache given be the terms (1- h1) (1- h2) and (1- h1) (1- h2) (1- h3) should be as low as possible. This is the reason why L2 and L3 are larger to get higher hit rates and lower miss rates, resulting in very few main memory accesses.