Define Happened-Before Relationship. Explain implementation of logical clocks with an example

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem6 > Distributed System

Marks: 10M

Year: Dec 2015

1 Answer


  • To synchronize logical clocks Lamport defined a relation called happens-before.
  • The Happen-Before relation can be observed directly in two situations.

    1) If A & B are events in same process and A occurs before B, then A → B is true.

    2) If A is the event of msg being send by one process and B is the event of msg being sent by another process then A→B is also true.

    A msg cannot be received before it is sent, or even at the same time it is sent, since it take a finite,(non-zero) amount of time to arrive.

  • The Happen-Before is a transitive relation, so if A→B & B→C then A→C.

  • If 2 events, X & Y happens in different processes that do not exchange message ,then X→Y is not true but neither Y→X.

  • These events are said to be concurrent which simply means that nothing can be said about when the event happened or which event happened first.

    Using this method, there is a way to assign time to all events in distributed systems subjects to the following conditions,

  • If a happens before b in the same process, c(a)<c(b).< p="">

  • If a & b represent to sending and receiving of a message, respectively c(a) < c(b).
  • For all distinctive, event a & b ,c(a)= c(b).
  • E.g. Totally-Ordered Multicasting.
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