What are applications of Microprogramming?
1 Answer

The applications of Microprogramming are:

  1. In Realization of control unit: Microprogramming is used widely now for implementing the control unit of computers
  2. In Operating system: Micro programs can be used to implement some of the primitives of operating system. This simplifies operation system implementation and also improves the performance of the operating system.
  3. In High-Level Language support: In High-Level language various sub functions and data types can be implemented using microprogramming. This makes compilation into an efficient machine language form possible.
  4. In Microdiagnostics: Microprogramming can be used for detection isolation monitoring and repair of system errors. This is known as microdiagnostics and they significantly enhance system maintenance.
  5. In User Tailoring: By using RAM for implementing control memory (CM), it is possible to tailor the machine to different applications.
  6. In Emulation: Emulation refers to the use of a microprogram on one machine to execute programs originally written for another machine. This is used widely as an aid for users in migrating from one computer to another.
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