Explain construction and working of a solar cell.

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 5M

Year: Dec 2012

1 Answer

Solar cell:

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  • Solar cell is a p-n junction diode made up of crystalline silicon(Si).

  • Phosphorous is used for doping the n-type layer and Boron for doping the p-type layer.

  • Screen printed contacts are applied to the front and rear of the solar cell.

  • The front end contacts are specially designed to allow maximun sunlight to fall on the semiconductor, but also accounting for minimum resistive losses.

  • Each Si cell generates about 0.5V.

  • Generally 36 cells are soldered together to produce a net 12V battery.


  • Under normal circumstances, the electrons occupy the lower energy level of the valence band.

  • The higher energy level of the conduction band is not fully occupied.

  • The difference between the energy levels is called band gap. $(E_g)$

  • When a photon with greater energy than the band gap energy strikes the p-n junction, the electron gets excited and enters into the conduction band.

  • At the same time, a hole is created in the valence band due to the electron’s migration to conduction band.

  • As a result, an electron-hole pair is created.

    A potential gradient is obtained within the cell by connecting 2 types of semconductors, namely, type and n-type.

    Due to this, the excitation of electrons and generation of holes occur at junction interface.

  • The gradient separates electrons and holes, and also keeps the current continuous when connected to the circuit.

  • The potential difference resulting due to the separation of electron and holes is used to power the electric circuit or load.

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