An IP header from an IP packet received at destination 4500003c1c4640004006ble6ac100a63ac100a0c. Map these values to IP header and explain all bits.
1 Answer

IP header:

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4500 003c 1c46 4000 4006 b1e6 ac10 0a63 ac10 0a0c

Sr.No IP Header Fields  
1 Version (4 bit) 4 (0100)
2 Internet Header Length (4 bit) 5 (0101)
When there are no options, the header length is 20 bytes, and the value of this field is 5 (5 x 4 = 20).
3 Type of Service (8 bit) 00
4 Total length (16 bit) 003c (header + data) =60bytes
Header length=20 bytes,
Length of data= 40bytes
5 identification field (16 bit) 1c46
6 Flags and Fragment offset ‘4000’ can be divided into two bytes. These two bytes (divided into 3 bits and 13 bits respectively) correspond to the flags and fragment offset of IP header fields
7 TTL and Protocol ‘4006’ can be divided into ’40’ and ’06’. The first byte ’40’ corresponds to the TTL field and the byte ’06’ corresponds to the protocol field of the IP header. ’06’ indicates that the protocol is TCP.
8 Checksum ‘be16’ corresponds to the checksum which is set at the source end (which sent the packet). This field will be set to zero while computing the checksum at destination end.
9 Source IP Address ‘ac10 0a63’
10 Destination,IP Address ‘ac10 0a0c’
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