written 8.5 years ago by | modified 2.3 years ago by |
The terms are
i. Set Intersection
ii. Generalized Projection
iii. Division Operator
iv. Natural Join
written 8.5 years ago by | modified 2.3 years ago by |
The terms are
i. Set Intersection
ii. Generalized Projection
iii. Division Operator
iv. Natural Join
written 8.5 years ago by |
The relational algebra is a procedural query language. It consists of a set of operations that take one or two relations as input and produce a new relation as their result.
i. Set Intersection
Suppose that we wish to find all customers who have both a loan and an account. Using set intersection, we can write
Πcustomer-name (borrower) ∩ Πcustomer-name (depositor)
Any relational algebra expression that uses set intersection can be rewritten simply by replacing the intersection operation with a pair of set-difference operations as:
r ∩ s = r − (r − s)
ii. Generalized Projection
The generalized projection operation has the form
Where, E is any relational-algebra expression and each of F1, F2, . . .,Fn is an arithmetic expression involving constants and attributes in the schema of E. As a special case, the arithmetic expression may be simply an attribute or a constant.
For example, suppose we have a relation credit-info, which lists the credit limit and expenses so far (the credit-balance on the account). If we want to find how much more each person can spend, we can write the following expression:
Πcustomer-name, limit − credit-balance (credit-info)
iii. Division Operator
Let’s assume that we wish to find all customers who have an account at all the branches located in Mumbai. This expression will give all the branches in Mumbai -
r1 = Πbranch-name (σbranch-city =“Mumbai” (branch))
Let’s find all (customer-name, branch-name) pairs for which the customer has an account at a branch
r2 =Πcustomer-name, branch-name (depositor ∞ account)
Now, we need to find customers who appear in result r2 with every branch name in result r1. The operation that provides exactly those customers is the divide operation.
Πcustomer-name, branch-name(depositor ∞ account)÷ Πbranch-name(σbranch-city =“Mumbai” (branch))
The result of this expression is a relation that has the schema (customer-name) and contains tuple with customer having account in all branches of branch-city (Mumbai).
iv. Natural Join
Since the schemas for borrower and loan have the attribute Loan_no in common, the natural-join operation considers only pairs of tuples that have the same value on Loan_no. It combines each such pair of tuples into a single tuple on the union of the two schemas (that is, Loan_no, Borrower_name, Loan_amount) as shown in table above.