Distinguish between Frankel and Schotkky defect.

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 5M

Year: Dec 2014

1 Answer
- Frankel defect schotkky defect
1 Either an anion orcation is missed from regular pattern. A pair of anion or cation is missed from regular pattern.
2 No change in the density. density gets lowered.
3 Low ionic compound, low co-ordination no. High ionic compound, high coordination no.
4 $n=NN’exp^{-EV/2KT}$, $ N=No. of regular site, \ \ N’=No. of \ \ interstitial \ \ site$ $n = Nexp^{-EV/2KT}$, N=No. of regular site
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