Explain with neat diagram construction of Braggs X-ray spectrometer. Write the procedure to determine crystal structure.

Calculate the maximum order of diffraction if X-rays of wavelength 0.819 $A^0$ is incident on a crystal of lattice spacing 0.282 nm. -

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 8M

Year: Dec 2013

1 Answer

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C - Crystal

Co - Collimator

T - Turn Table

Ic - Ionization Chamber

θ - Glancing Angle


  • Bragg's Spectrometer consists of a collimator containing two slits $S_1$ and $S_2$ made up of lead, through which X-ray is passed.

  • A turn table is situated in-front of the collimator on which crystal is placed.

  • Ionization chamber collects the reflected X-ray


  • A fine beam of a monochromatic X-ray is made to fall on the crystal.

  • The crystal reflects the X-rays which are collected by the ionization chamber.

  • Turn table is rotated till a sharp increase in the intensity is detected.

  • The sudden increase in intensity suggests that Bragg's Law is satisfied at the given angle θ.

  • Then the inter-planar spacing can be determined by using Bragg's Law nλ = 2d.sinθ

  • The peak in ionization current occurs more than once for different values of "n"



λ = 0.819 $A^0$ = 0.0819 nm

d = 0.282 nm

To Find:-

Maximum order of Diffraction $(n_{Max})$


The maximum order of diffraction will occur when sin θ = 1

Therefore, from Bragg's Law, we can write that;

$n_{Max} λ = 2d$

$ ∴ n_{Max} = \frac{2d}{λ}$

$ ∴ n_{Max} = \frac{(2 × 0.282)}{0.0819}$

$ ∴ n_{Max} = 6.886$

Hence, we will obtain 6th order maxima and not 7th order maxima

$ ∴ n_{Max} = 6$

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