written 8.5 years ago by |
Divide and Conquer (DAC) approach has three steps at each level of recursion:
- Divide the problem into number of smaller units called sub-problems.
- Conquer (Solve) the sub-problems recursively.
- Combine the solutions of all the sub-problems into a solution for the original problem.
Maximum and Minimum:
- Let us consider simple problem that can be solved by the divide-and conquer technique.
- The problem is to find the maximum and minimum value in a set of ‘n’ elements.
- By comparing numbers of elements, the time complexity of this algorithm can be analyzed.
- Hence, the time is determined mainly by the total cost of the element comparison.
a. Straight MaxMin requires 2(n-1) element comparisons in the best, average & worst cases.
b. By realizing the comparison of a [i]max is false, improvement in a algorithm can be done.
c. Hence we can replace the contents of the for loop by, If (a [i]> Max) then Max = a [i]; Else if (a [i]< 2(n-1)
d. On the average a[i] is > max half the time, and so, the avg. no. of comparison is 3n/2-1.
A Divide and Conquer Algorithm for this problem would proceed as follows:
a. Let P = (n, a [i],……,a [j]) denote an arbitrary instance of the problem.
b. Here ‘n’ is the no. of elements in the list (a [i],….,a[j]) and we are interested in finding the maximum and minimum of the list.
c. If the list has more than 2 elements, P has to be divided into smaller instances.
d. For example, we might divide ‘P’ into the 2 instances, P1=([n/2],a[1],……..a[n/2]) & P2= ( n-[n/2], a[[n/2]+1],….., a[n]) After having divided ‘P’ into 2 smaller sub problems, we can solve them by recursively invoking the same divide-and-conquer algorithm.
A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Values | 22 | 13 | -5 | -8 | 15 | 60 | 17 | 31 | 47 |
Tree Diagram:
i. As shown in figure 4, in this Algorithm, each node has 4 items of information: i, j, max & min.
ii. In figure 4, root node contains 1 & 9 as the values of i& j corresponding to the initial call to MaxMin.
iii. This execution produces 2 new calls to MaxMin, where i& j have the values 1, 5 & 6, 9 respectively & thus split the set into 2 subsets of approximately the same size.
iv. Maximum depth of recursion is 4.
If T(n) represents this no., then the resulting recurrence relations is
T (n)=T([n/2]+T[n/2]+2 $\hspace{1cm}$ n>2
1 $\hspace{4.2cm}$ n=2
1 $\hspace{4.2cm}$ n=1
When ‘n’ is a power of 2, n=2k for some positive integer ‘k’, then
T (n) = 2T(n/2) +2
$\hspace{0.8cm}$ = 2(2T(n/4)+2)+2
$\hspace{0.8cm}$ = 4T(n/4)+4+2
$\hspace{0.8cm}$ *
$\hspace{0.8cm}$ *
$\hspace{0.8cm}$ = 2k-1 T (2) + Σ 1 ≤ I ≤ k-1 ≤ 2i
$\hspace{0.8cm}$ = 2k-1+ 2k - 2
T(n) = (3n/2) – 2
Note that (3n/2) - 2 is the best-average and worst-case no. of comparisons when ‘n’ is a power of 2.