Apply operator precedence parsing algorithm for the statement $Id - id \ast id$

For a given grammar below, construct an operator precedence relation matrix, assuming *, + are binary operators and id as terminal Symbol and E as non-terminal.

E → E + E $ \ \ \ $ E → E * E $ \ \ \ $ E → id

Apply operator precedence parsing algorithm for the statement

Id - id * id

Mumbai University > Computer Engineering > Sem6 > System Programming and Compiler Construction

Marks: 10M

Year: Dec 2015

1 Answer
  • Bottom-up parsers for a large class of context-free grammars can be easily developed using operator grammars.
  • Operator grammars have the property that no production right side is empty or has two adjacent nonterminal.
  • This property enables the implementation of efficient operator-precedence parsers.
  • These parser rely on the following three precedence relations:
Relation Meaning
a <· b a yields precedence to b
a =·b a has the same precedence as b
a·>b a takes precedence over b
  • These operator precedence relations allow to delimit the handles in the right sentential forms: $\lt \cdot $ marks the left end, $=\cdot$ appears in the interior of the handle, and $\cdot\gt$ marks the right end.
  • Let assume that between the symbols $ai$ and $ai+1$ there is exactly one precedence relation. Suppose that \$ is the end of the string.
  • Then for all terminals we can write: $ \lt \cdot b \ and \ b \cdot \gt $. If we remove all nonterminal and place the correct precedence relation: $\lt \cdot, =\cdot, \cdot\gt$ between the remaining terminals, there remain strings that can be analyzed by easily developed parser.
  • For example, the following operator precedence relations can be introduced for simple expressions:
  id + * \$
id   $ \cdot \gt$ $ \cdot \gt$ $ \cdot \gt$
+ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \cdot \gt$ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \cdot \gt$
* $ \lt \cdot $ $ \cdot \gt$ $ \cdot \gt$ $ \cdot \gt$
\$ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \cdot \gt$
Stack Input a b Action
\$ id + id \$ \$ id Shift id
\$id +id \$ id + Reduce E -> id
\$ E +id \$ \$ + Shift +
\$E+ id\$ + id Shift id
\$ E+id \$ id \$ Reduce E -> id
\$ E + E \$ + \$ Reduce E -> E+E
\$E \$ \$ \$ Accept

Example: The input string:

$\text{id1 + id2 * id3} $

After inserting precedence relations becomes

$\text{\lt $\cdot$ id1 $\cdot$ \gt + \lt $\cdot$ id2 $\cdot$\gt * \lt $\cdot$ id3 $\cdot$ \gt}$

  • Having precedence relations allows to identify handles as follows:
    • Scan the string from left until seeing •>
    • Scan backwards the string from right to left until seeing <•
    • Everything between the two relations <• and •> forms the handle.

Note that not the entire sentential form is scanned to find the handle.

Operator Precedence Parsing Algorithm

Initialize: Set ip to point to the first symbol of w \$ Repeat: Let X be the top stack symbol, and a the symbol pointed to by ip

if \$ is on the top of the stack and ip points to \$  then return
      /* Let a be the top terminal on the stack, and b the symbol pointed to by ip*/
                If a< $\cdot$ b  or  a =• b  then
                    push b  onto the stack
                    advance ip  to the next input symbol
                else if  a •>bthen
                        pop the stack
                    until the top stack terminal is related by <•
                        to the terminal most recently popped
                else error()

Making Operator Precedence Relations

  • The operator precedence parsers usually do not store the precedence table with the relations, rather they are implemented in a special way.
  • Operator precedence parsers use precedence functions that map terminal symbols to integers, and so the precedence relations between the symbols are implemented by numerical comparison.
  • Not every table of precedence relations has precedence functions but in practice for most grammars such functions can be designed.

Algorithm for Constructing Precedence Functions

  1. Create functions $f_a$ for each grammar terminal a and for the end of string symbol;
  2. Partition the symbols in groups so that $f_a$ and $g_b$ are in the same group if a =• b (there can be symbols in the same group even if they are not connected by this relation);
  3. Create a directed graph whose nodes are in the groups, next for each symbols a and b do: place an edge from the group of $g_b$ to the group of fa if a <• b, otherwise if a •>b place an edge from the group of $f_a$ to that of $g_b$;
  4. If the constructed graph has a cycle then no precedence functions exist. When there are no cycles collect the length of the longest paths from the groups of fa and $g_b$ respectively.

Example: Consider the above table

  id + *
id   $ \cdot \gt$ $ \cdot \gt$
+ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \cdot \gt$ $ \lt \cdot $
* $ \lt \cdot $ $ \cdot \gt$ $ \cdot \gt$
\$ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \lt \cdot $ $ \lt \cdot $

Using the algorithm leads to the following graph:

enter image description here

From which we extract the following precedence functions:

  id + * \$
f 4 2 4 0
g 5 1 3 0

Error Recovery in operator-precedence parsing:

There are two points in the parsing process at which an operator-precedence parser can discover syntactic error:

  • If no precedence relation holds between the terminal on top of the stack and the current input.
  • If a handle has been found, but there is no production with this handle as a right side.

The error checker does the following errors:

  • Missing operand
  • Missing operator
  • No expression between parenthesis
  • Illegal b on line (line containing b)
  • Missing d on line (line containing c)
  • Missing E on line (line containing b) These error diagnostic issued at handling of errors during reduction.

During handling of shift/reduce errors; the diagnostic’s issues are:

  • Missing operand
  • Unbalanced right parenthesis
  • Missing right parenthesis
  • Missing operator


  • Simplicity, easy to construct by hand


  • It is hard to handle tokens like the unary operators
  • Since the relationship between a grammar for the language being parsed and the operator precedence parser itself is tenuous, one cannot always be sure the parser accepts exactly the desired language.
  • Only a small class of grammars can be parsed using operator-precedence techniques.
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