Differentiate between application program and system program.
1 Answer

System Program

  • It is the collection of components and art or designing of a given program.
  • System program aims to produce software which provides services to the computer hardware.
  • System software that executes the application software. It helps in executing the application software.
  • These programs allow the application programmer to focus on application to be develop without concerning about the internal details of the System.
  • Examples: Assembler Microprocessor, Loader, Linker, Compiler

Application Program:

  • These are the set of programs that view computer as a tool for solving a particular problem.
  • Application software is a software that are been used by the end user.
  • Application programming is used to build application software which includes software like notepad, Word Pad, calculator, web browser, Microsoft excel and many more.
  • It interacts with system software which in turn interacts and makes physical hardware functional.
  • Examples: Word Processing, Hotel Management System, Accounting Package etc.
System Program
Application Program
1) It is the collection of components and art or designing of a given program. 1) It is the set of programs that view computer as a tool for solving a particular problem.
2) Programming is done using assembly language which interacts with hardware. 2) Application programming is used to build application software which includes software.
3) System software that executes the application software. 3) Application software is a software that are been used by the end user.
4) System programming is used to write low level instructions 4)Application Programming is used to write High level instructions
5)Examples:- Loader, Linker, Compiler 5) Examples:- Library management System, calculator, web browser
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