Derive an expression for finding 'angle of heel' of a two wheeler negotiating a turn.

Mumbai University > MECH > Sem 5 > Theory Of Machines 2

Marks: 8 M

Year: May 2015

1 Answer

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Let W be the weight acting at C.G at height h. Let θ be the maximum angle of tilt with vertical and C be the corresponding couple. Fc is the centrifugal force.

For stability

$∑M = 0 \hspace{3cm} \text{(from base point)} \\ W \times h sinθ – Fc cos θ – C = 0 \\ Mgh \sinθ – mv^2/r \cosθ – (2Iw + G x Ie)w_ew_p \cosθ = 0 \\ Mgh \sinθ – mv2/r \cosθ – (2Iw + G x Ie)V/r x V/R cosθ = 0$

$\tan \theta=(mh+(2/w+G/e)/r) \times v^2 / mghR$


Θ = angle of heel

R = radius of the curve

r = radius of the wheel

G = engine to wheel speed ratio

V= velocity of the two wheeler

M = mass

g = accn due to gravity

H = height of CG above ground in vertical position

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