written 8.6 years ago by | • modified 8.6 years ago |
There are a few basic design elements that serve to classify and differentiate cache architectures. They are listed down:
Cache Addresses
Cache Size
Mapping Function
Replacement Algorithm
Write Policy
Line Size
Number of caches
1. Cache Addresses
When virtual addresses are used, the cache can be placed between the processor and the MMU or between the MMU and main memory. A logical cache, also known as a virtual cache, stores data using virtual addresses. The processor accesses the cache directly, without going through the MMU. This organization is shown in Figure 3.
A physical cache stores data using main memory physical addresses. This organization is shown in Figure 4. One advantage of the logical cache is that cache access speed is faster than for a physical cache, because the cache can respond before the MMU performs an address translation.
2. Cache Size:
The size of the cache should be small enough so that the overall average cost per bit is close to that of main memory alone and large enough so that the overall average access time is close to that of the cache alone.
3. Mapping Function:
As there are fewer cache lines than main memory blocks, an algorithm is needed for mapping main memory blocks into cache lines. Further, a means is needed for determining which main memory block currently occupies a cache line. The choice of the mapping function dictates how the cache is organized. Three techniques can be used: direct, associative, and set associative.
DIRECT MAPPING: The simplest technique, known as direct mapping, maps each block of main memory into only one possible cache line.
The direct mapping technique is simple and inexpensive to implement.
ASSOCIATIVE MAPPING: Associative mapping overcomes the disadvantage of direct mapping by permitting each main memory block to be loaded into any line of the cache
SET-ASSOCIATIVE MAPPING: Set-associative mapping is a compromise that exhibits the strengths of both the direct and associative approaches. With set-associative mapping, block can be mapped into any of the lines of set j.
4. Replacement Algorithms:
Once the cache has been filled, when a new block is brought into the cache, one of the existing blocks must be replaced. For direct mapping, there is only one possible line for any particular block, and no choice is possible. For the associative and set associative techniques, a replacement algorithm is needed. To achieve high speed, such an algorithm must be implemented in hardware. Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently Used(LFU), First In First Out (FIFO) are some replacement algorithms.
5. Write Policy
When a block that is resident in the cache is to be replaced, there are two cases to consider. If the old block in the cache has not been altered, then it may be overwritten with a new block without first writing out the old block. If at least one write operation has been performed on a word in that line of the cache, then main memory must be updated by writing the line of cache out to the block of memory before bringing in the new block.
The simplest policy is called write through. Using this technique, all write operations are made to main memory as well as to the cache, ensuring that main memory is always valid. An alternative technique, known as write back, minimizes memory writes. With write back, updates are made only in the cache. When an update occurs, a dirty bit, or use bit, associated with the line is set. Then, when a block is replaced, it is written back to main memory if and only if the dirty bit is set.
6. Line Size
Another design element is the line size. When a block of data is retrieved and placed in the cache, not only the desired word but also some number of adjacent words is retrieved. Basically, as the block size increases, more useful data are brought into the cache. The hit ratio will begin to decrease, however, as the block becomes even bigger and the probability of using the newly fetched information becomes less than the probability of reusing the information that has to be replaced.
The relationship between block size and hit ratio is complex, depending on the locality characteristics of a particular program, and no definitive optimum value is found as of yet.
7.Number of Caches
When caches were originally introduced, the typical system had a single cache. More recently, the use of multiple caches has become an important aspect. There are two design issues surrounding number of caches.
- MULTILEVEL CACHES: Most contemporary designs include both on-chip and external caches. The simplest such organization is known as a two-level cache, with the internal cache designated as level 1 (L1) and the external cache designated as level 2 (L2). There can also be 3 or more levels of cache. This helps in reducing main memory accesses.
- UNIFIED VERSUS SPLIT CACHES: Earlier on-chip cache designs consisted of a single cache used to store references to both data and instructions. This is the unified approach. More recently, it has become common to split the cache into two: one dedicated to instructions and one dedicated to data. These two caches both exist at the same level. This is the split cache. Using a unified cache or a split cache is another design issue.