Prove that sensitiveness of a pro ell governor is greater than that of the porter governor.
1 Answer
  • Sensitiveness: It may be defined as movement of sleeve per unit variation in speed.

    Sensitiveness can be measured as N/(N2 – N1)

    Where N2 is higher speed, N1 lower speed and N is mean speed at the same radii.

  • For the same size :

    proell governors follow N α (Mg +/- f)/mg

    whereas porter governors follow N α M/m

    where M is mass of sleeve, m is mass of balls and f is frictional force.

  • It is clear that sensitiveness of porter governor is independent of friction. Whereas, the value of N will increase in proell governor when f is positive.

  • Hence, its sensitiveness will be more than that of porter governor.

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