Structure of queuing system.

Mumbai University > MECH > Sem 7 > Operations Research

Marks: 5 M

Year: Dec 2012

1 Answer

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(a) Input source: One characteristic of the input source is the size. The size is the total number of units thatmight require service from time to time. It may be assumed to be finite or infinite.

(b) Queue Discipline: A queue is characterized by maximum permissible number of units that it contains.Queues are called finite or infinite, according to whether number is finite or infinite. The servicediscipline refers to the order in which number of queues are selected for service.

(c) Service mechanism: This consists of one or more service facilities each of which contains one or moreparallel service channel. If there is more than one service facility, the arrival unit may receivethe service from a sequence of service channels.

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