Average waiting time per ship in the queue and system.

A harbor has a single dock to unload the containers from the incoming ships. The arrival and service rate at the harbor follow a Poisson distribution. The arrival rate and service rate are 8 ships per week and 14 ships per week respectively. Determine: - 1. Utilization of dock - 2. Average number of ships waiting in the queue and system - 3. Average waiting time per ship in the queue and system -

1 Answer

Mean arrival rate: $λ = 8$/week; Mean service rate: $μ = 14$/week

  1. Traffic intensity (or utilization factor): $ρ = \dfracλ μ =\dfrac{8}{14} = 0.5714$

  2. Average number of ships waiting in the system:

    $Ls = \dfrac{λ}{μ - λ} = \dfrac{8}{14 - 8} = 1.33$

    Average number of ships waiting in the queue:

    $Lq = \dfrac{ρ^2}{1-ρ} = \dfrac{(8/14)^2}{1-8/14} = 0.7619$

  3. Average waiting time per ship in the system:

    $Ws = \dfrac{1}{μ - λ} = \dfrac{1}{14-8} = 0.1667 \ \ weeks$

    Average waiting time per ship in the queue:

    $Wq = \dfrac{ρ}{(μ - λ)} = \dfrac{8/14}{14-8} = 0.0952 \ \ weeks$

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