written 8.7 years ago by |
Formal Languages and Automata Theory - Jun 2014
Computer Science Engg. (Semester 5)
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Write the DFA for the following languages over ?{a,b}
The set of all strings ending with a&b
the set of all strings not containing the substring aab.
Set'of all strings with exactly three consecutive a'(10 marks)
1 (b) Define NFA"Convert the following NFA to its equivalent DFA [figure Q1.(b)]-
(10 marks)
2 (a) Consider the following ?NFA:
computer the ? -closure of each state
convert to DFA
∈ | a | b | c | |
→ | φ | {p} | {q} | {r} |
q | {p} | {q} | {r} | φ |
r | {q} | {r} | φ | {p} |
(8 marks) 2 (b) Define Regular expression. Convert the following automation to a regular expression using state elirnination technique. (10 marks) 2 (c) Convert the regular expression (0 + 1). | (0 +1) to anNFA(4 marks) 3 (a) State and prove pumping lemma for regular languages(10 marks) 3 (b) Define distinguishable and indistinguishable states.Minimize the following DFA using table filling algorithm
0 | 1 | |
A | B | F |
C | G | C |
C | A | C |
D | C | G |
E | H | F |
F | C | G |
G | G | E |
H | G | C |
(10 marks) 4 (a) Define CFG. Write CFG for the following languagesL={0 n |n ?1}
L={string /of a 's and b's with equal number grammer is ambigues(6 marks) 4 (b) What is an ambiguous grammar? Show that the following grammar is ambiguous.
E -+E+E E-E I E *E I E/E | (E) | a where whereE is the start symbol. Find the unambiguous grammar.(10 marks) 4 (c) Discu ss the applications of CFG(4 marks) 5 (a) Define PDA. Construct PDA that accepts the language L={wwR|w?(a+b+ and WR is the reversal of {w} .write ID's for the string aaabbbaa.(10 marks) 5 (b) Convert the following CFG to PDA and give the procedure for the same. S ?aABB|aAA
B ?bBB|A
C ??(10 marks) 6 (a) consider the following CFG
A ?aBB|a
B ?bBB|A
C ? a
Shat are useless symbois?(ii) Eliminate e-productions unit productions and useless productions from the grammar.(10 marks) 6 (b) What is CNF and GNF? Obtain the following grammar in CNF S ?aBa|abba
A ? ab|AA
B ? aB|a(10 marks) 7 (a) Define'a turing machine and explain with neat diagram, the working of a basic turing machine(6 marks) 7 (b) Design a turing machine to accept the set of all palindromes over {a.b} *. iAlso, indicate the movesmade by turing machinefor the string ab(14 marks)
Write short note on:
8 (a) Multipe turing machine(5 marks) 8 (b) Post's correspondence problem(5 marks) 8 (c) Pumping lemma for CFL(5 marks) 8 (d) Recursive languages(5 marks)