Solve the LP problem by graphical method.

The manager of an oil refinery must decide on the optimum mix of two possible blending processes of which the inputs and outputs per production run are as follows: -

- Input (units) - Output (units) -
Process Crude A Crude B Gasoline X Gasoline Y
1 5 3 5 8
2 4 5 4 4

The maximum amount available of crudes A and B is 200 units and 150 units respectively. Market requirements show that atleast 100 units of gasoline X and 80 units of gasoline Y must be produced. The profits per production run from process 1 and process 2 are Rs. 300 and Rs. 400 respectively. Solve the LP problem by graphical method. -

1 Answer

We have to find out the number of production runs each of process 1 and process 2, such that the overall profit due to running of these processes is maximized.

Let there be $R_1$ runs of process 1, and $R_2$ runs of process 2.

Each run of process 1 yields a profit of Rs. 300, while each run of process 2 yields a profit of Rs. 400.

To maximize the profit, the maximization function is:

$Z = 300 R_1 + 400 R_2$


  • Maximum amounts of crude available:

    Of A, max. 200 units $→ 5 R_1 + 4 R_2 ≤ 200$

    Of B, max. 150 units $→ 3 R_1 + 5 R_2 ≤ 150$

  • Minimum amount of gasoline to be produced:

    Of X, min. 100 units $→ 5 R_1 + 4 R_2 ≥ 100$

    Of Y, min. 80 units $→ 8 R_1 + 4 R_2 ≥ 80$

Plotting these constraints on a graph:

enter image description here

We check for optimality at three points, namely A (0,30), B (30.77, 11.54), & C (40,0). Point B represents the intersection of the two lines $5 R_1 + 4 R_2 ≤ 200 \& \ 3 R_1 + 5 R_2 ≤ 150$.

At A (0, 30): Z = 300 (0) + 400 (30) = Rs. 12000

At C (40, 0): Z = 300 (40) + 400 (0) = Rs. 12000

At B (30.77, 11.54): Z = 300 (30.77) + 400 (11.54) = Rs. 13847

Quite clearly, point B represents the optimal solution.

However we cannot have a fraction of a run, i.e. $R_1\ \& \ R_2$ cannot be a fraction, since it has to run completely. So we consider 2 nearby points, B1 (30, 12), which lies on $3 R_1 + 5 R_2 ≤ 150, \& B_2 (32, 10)$ which lies on $5 R_1 + 4 R_2 ≤ 200.$

At B1 (30, 12): Z = 300 (30) + 400 (12) = Rs. 13800

At B2 (32, 10): Z = 300 (32) + 400 (10) = Rs. 13600

So B1 (30, 12) represents the optimal solution.

The manager should undertake 30 runs from process 1, and 12 runs from process 2. The max. profit is Rs. 13800.

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