What is message digest? Explain HMAC algorithm?
1 Answer
  1. A hash function accepts a variable size message M as input and produces a fixed sized output, referred to as Hash code H (M).
  2. (Unlike a MAC) Hash code doesn’t use any key but it is a function of only input message.
  3. The hash code is also referred to as message digest or hash value.
  4. Hash code is a function of all the bits of message digest or hash value.
  5. Hash code is a a function of all the bits of message and provides an error detection capability.
  6. A change in any bit or bits in the message results in change of the hash code.
  7. The following figure shows various ways in which a hash code can be used to provide message authentication.

enter image description here

  • Symmetric encryption
  • Authentication ( Only A and B share key K)
  • Confidentiality ( Encryption is applied to entire message)

enter image description here

  • Authentication
  • Only has code encrypted using symmetric encryption.
  • Reduces processing burden for those applications that do not require confidentiality.

enter image description here

  • Only hash functions code is encrypted using public key encryption and using sender’s private key.
  • This provides authentication and digital signature.

enter image description here

  • Message plus the private key encrypted hash code is encrypted hash code is encrypted using symmetric secret key.
  • Provides authentication (Only A and B know secret key )
  • Confidentiality and digital signature (Entire message is used at encryption)

enter image description here

  • The technique assumes that the 2 communication parties share a common secret value S.
  • It computes hash value over the concentration of M and S (M || S) and appends resulting value to M.
  • Because B possesses S it can recomputed hash value to verify.
  • Because the secret value itself is not sent, an opponent can’t modify an intercepted message and hence can’t generate false message.
  • Provides authentication (Only A and B share S)

enter image description here

  • Provides authentication only A and B shares.
  • Provides confidentiality encrypting entire message plus hashcode.
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