State differences between singly linked list and doubly linked list data structures along with their applications.
1 Answer
Singly linked list Doubly linked list
A singly linked list is a linked list where the node contains some data and a pointer to the next node in the list A doubly linked list is complex type of linked list where the node contains some data and a pointer to the next as well as the previous node in the list
It allows traversal only in one way It allows a two way traversal
It uses less memory per node (single pointer) It uses more memory per node(two pointers)
Complexity of insertion and deletion at a known position is O(n) Complexity of insertion and deletion at a known position is O(1)
If we need to save memory and searching is not required, we use singly linked list If we need better performance while searching and memory is not a limitation, we go for doubly linked list
If we know that an element is located towards the end section, eg. ‘zebra’ still we need to begin from start and traverse the whole list If we know that an element is located towards the end section e.g. ’zebra’ we can start searching from the Back.
Singly linked list can mostly be used for stacks They can be used to implement stacks, heaps, binary trees.
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