Explain Use of Disaster Threat Information.
1 Answer


Use of Disaster Threat Information:

  • The hazard, vulnerability, and risk information in paragraphs 19–23 above is, of course, only an outline of what is a detailed and extensive procedure.

  • However, it serves to illustrate the value of disaster threat information, as applied to practical disaster management.

  • For instance, it is suggested that the information in this chapter should be used and, indeed, is essential for the following:

  • The formulation of disaster plans, especially the measures within such plans that deal with preparedness, response, and recovery.

  • The formulation of relevant programs for disaster-related training and public awareness;

  • The definition and application of measures that can reduce vulnerability in specific cases/areas; and

  • Formulation and use of long-term programs of mitigation and prevention.

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