Explain all feature of OWL Lite.
1 Answer


In OWL Lite, the following distinctive identifiers offer an influential mechanism for better reasoning about a property to provide information regarding properties and their values:


Properties may be defined to have a single value. If a property is a FunctionalProperty, then it can have no more than one value for each individual. For example, has device id may be stated to be a FunctionalProperty. From this, a reasoner may infer that no devices may have more than one device in a sensor network.

SymmetricProperty: Properties may be identified to be symmetric. For example, is_connectedto may be defined as a symmetric property. Then a reasoner can deduce that “Device_2” is_connectedto “Device_2” provided that “Device_1” is_connectedto “Device_2.”


Two properties are identified to be inverse to each other. For example, if has_sensor is the inverse of has_network and “Network_A” has_sensor “Sensor_1,” then a reasoner can deduce that “Sensor_1” has_network “Network_A.”


Properties may be well defined to be transitive. For example, if the “part of” property is said to be transitive, and if Device_1 is a partOf sensor (i.e., (Device_1, SensorA) is an instance of the property partOf and Device_2 is part of Device_1 (i.e., (Device_2, Device_1) is an instance of the property partOf, then a reasoner can deduce that Device_2 is a part of the sensor. MaxCardinality 1 restriction is not allowed for transitive properties and their super properties.


This restriction requires that the property should have a value for all instances of the class. That is, if a minCardinality of one is given on a property with regard to a class, then any instance of that class is correlative to a minimum of one individual by that property.


A maxCardinality one restriction is termed a functional or distinctive property. That is if a maxCardinality of one is declared on a property with regard to a class, then any instance of that class will be associated with at the most one individual by that property

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