compere latest smart IOT technology's Headbands, Headsets, and Smart glasses.
1 Answer



Head-mounted wearables in general either augment the wearer’s capabilities by displaying additional information through a heads-up display, such as in the case of Google Glass or the Microsoft HoloLens, or use sensors to measure the wearer’s brain activity, such as the Emotiv and Muse headbands.

Google Glass headset:

The Google Glass headset provides a display and sensors to show the information found on a smartwatch or smartphone.

Additionally, a camera in the device can be used not only for taking pictures but also for computer vision tasks such as object recognition or, in combination with the display, augmented reality where computer-generated graphics are displayed as an overlay to highlight objects in the real world.

The HoloLens also promises to improve interactions with real-world objects, such as providing step-by-step instructions on repairing a light switch.


Headbands such as Muse or Emotiv provide brain-computer interfaces (BCI). The Muse headband uses four EEG sensors, two on the forehead and two behind the ears, and three additional reference sensors. Muse can also record blinking and jaw clenching. These sensors are used to detect and measure electrical activity in the brain.

Currently, the Muse the headband is targeted as a mindfulness training device, helping users calm their minds.

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