written 2.2 years ago by | • modified 2.2 years ago |
Region growing is a procedure in which pixels are grouped into larger regions based on some predefined condition.
The basic approach is to select a seed point and grow regions from this seed.
Let us pickup an arbitrary pixel $(x, y, 1)$ from the image that needs to be segmented.
This pixel is called the seed pixel. -we now examine the nearest neighbours of $\left(x_1, y_1\right)$ one by one.
They now examine the nearest neighbors of $(x, y)$ one by one. $\left(x_1, y_1\right)$ one by one.
The neighboring pixel is accepted in the same region as $\left(x_1, y_1\right)$ if they together satisfy the homogeneity proper of a region i.e. If both of them satisfy the precise - Once a new pixel $\left(x_2, y_2\right)$ is accepted as a member of the current region, the neighbors of this new pixel are examined.
This procedure goes on recursively until no new pixel is accepted. All the pixels of the current region are given a unique label.
Now a new seed pixel is chosen and the same procedure is repeated.
$ \begin{aligned} &{[\max \{g(x, y)\}-\min \{g(x, y)\}]t_h} \\ &t_h\lt3 \end{aligned} $