written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 8.5 years ago |
- VHDL is a acronym for “VHSIC Hardware Description Language” while VHSIC is acronym for “Very High Speed Integrated Circuits“.
- It is IEEE standard for describing digital hardware used by industry worldwide.
- VHDL is a hardware description language that can be used a model a digital system at many levels of abstration, ranging from the algorithmic level to the gate levels.
Structure of VHDL Module:
The Main component of VHDL module consist of following declaration.
1) Package
2) Entity
3) Architecture
4) Configuration
The following fig. shows the relationship of these basic blocks of VHDL program.
- A design may include any number of packages, entity, and Architecture and configuration declaration.
- The entity and architecture blocks are compulsory but packages and configuration blocks are optional.
$$\text{Fig: Relationship of VHDL Design units}$$
- Modelling IC with VHDL
Basic Idea:
- Component based design using abstract/refined implementation of component.
Define the interface with the exterior of the component.
Interface = Input and Output ports.
- Communication between entities assured by signals(equivalent to wires)
Specifies the functionality of component
i) Behavioural – A process with sequential, operations, control flows instruction if, while, for loops etc…
ii) Data Flow: Concurrent Statements.
iii) Structural: Entities + interconnections.
Process – Unit of concurrency
- process instruction are sequential.
- store value in process variable.
Describe timing and delay
- Used in simulation.
- It support both the concurrency and delay observed in digital electronics system.
- Reasons for using VHDL:
- IEEE standard used by industry worldwide
- Allow for various design methodologies.
- Provides reusuable design documentation.
- Testing and validation using simulation.
- Used for formal specification and verification
- Automatic synthesis.
- Perfomance prediction.
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