Short note on: VHDL
1 Answer


  • VHDL is a acronym for “VHSIC Hardware Description Language” while VHSIC is acronym for “Very High Speed Integrated Circuits“.
  • It is IEEE standard for describing digital hardware used by industry worldwide.
  • VHDL is a hardware description language that can be used a model a digital system at many levels of abstration, ranging from the algorithmic level to the gate levels.

Structure of VHDL Module:

  • The Main component of VHDL module consist of following declaration.

    1) Package

    2) Entity

    3) Architecture

    4) Configuration

  • The following fig. shows the relationship of these basic blocks of VHDL program.

  • A design may include any number of packages, entity, and Architecture and configuration declaration.
  • The entity and architecture blocks are compulsory but packages and configuration blocks are optional.

Fig: Relationship of VHDL Design units

$$\text{Fig: Relationship of VHDL Design units}$$

  • Modelling IC with VHDL
  1. Basic Idea:

    • Component based design using abstract/refined implementation of component.
  2. Entity:

    • Define the interface with the exterior of the component.

      Interface = Input and Output ports.

      • Communication between entities assured by signals(equivalent to wires)
  3. Architecture:

    • Specifies the functionality of component

      i) Behavioural – A process with sequential, operations, control flows instruction if, while, for loops etc…

      ii) Data Flow: Concurrent Statements.

      iii) Structural: Entities + interconnections.

  4. Process – Unit of concurrency

    • process instruction are sequential.
    • store value in process variable.
  5. Describe timing and delay


    • Used in simulation.
    • It support both the concurrency and delay observed in digital electronics system.
  • Reasons for using VHDL:
    • IEEE standard used by industry worldwide
    • Allow for various design methodologies.
    • Provides reusuable design documentation.
    • Testing and validation using simulation.
    • Used for formal specification and verification
    • Automatic synthesis.
    • Perfomance prediction.
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