What is Continuous Path Motion? Explain it.
1 Answer


Continuous Path Motion:

This motion or trajectory is exhibited by the continuous path robots. It is known as continuous path motion. Once the path is specified, the robot moves continuously along the specified path.

The trajectory path is explicitly specified by the user and the robot moves continuously along the specified path.

The robot end-effector moves along a particular path in 3D space specified by the user and the speed of the motion may vary.

Continuous path robots have got the capability to follow a smooth curved path.

Controlling the path of motion is difficult since all the joints have to be activated and controlled simultaneously to keep the desired tool orientation along the specified path.

Examples: Spray painting, arc welding, line welding, an inspection of parts along the assembly line, etc.

The block diagram of a continuous path motion control is shown in the following figure,

enter image description here

The continuous path can be calculated for any five axes, four axes, and three axes articulated robot.

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