Explain different drive technologies used in robotics.
1 Answer


The actions of the individual joints must be controlled in order for the manipulator to perform a desired move its body, arm, motion and wrist. The is provided by the drive system used to power the robot.

There are three different types of drive systems:

(i) Electric Drive System:

The electric drive systems are capable of moving robots with high power or speed.

The actuation of this type of robot can be done by either DC servo motors or DC stepping motors. It can be well –suited for rotational joints and as well as linear joints.

Most importantly, it has got greater accuracy and repeatability.

The one disadvantage of this system is that it is slightly costlier. An example for this type of drive system is Maker 110 robot.

(ii) Hydraulic Drive System:

The hydraulic drive systems are completely meant for the large –sized robots. It can deliver high power or speed than the electric drive systems. This drive system can be used for both linear and rotational joints.

Hydraulically driven robots can be relatively compact yet provide high levels of force, power, and speed with accurate control.

These types of robots are suitable for operations in foundries.

(iii) Pneumatic Actuator System:

These systems are driven by compressed air. Pneumatic-drive robots are usually small and have limited flexibility, but they are relatively inexpensive to build and use.

The weight of the payload they can carry and the speed of their motion are limited by the compressibility and low operating pressure of air.

The price of this system is less when compared to the hydraulic drive. The drawback of this system is that it will not be a perfect selection for the faster operations.

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