Explain the objectives of pricing strategy.
1 Answer


Objectives of Pricing Strategy:

  • The firm's pricing strategy objectives must be identified to determine the optimal pricing in different market situations. Common objectives include the following:

Current profit maximization -

  • Seeks to maximize current profit, taking into account revenue and costs. Current profit maximization may not be the best objective if it results in lower long-term profits.

Current revenue maximization -

  • Seeks to maximize current revenue with no regard to profit margins. The underlying objective often is to maximize long-term profits by increasing market share and lowering costs.

Maximize quantity -

  • Seeks to maximize the number of units sold or the number of customers served to decrease long-term costs as predicted by the experience curve.

Maximize profit margin -

  • Attempts to maximize the unit profit margin, recognizing that quantities will be below.

Quality leadership -

  • Use price to signal high quality in an attempt to position the product as the quality leader.

Partial cost recovery -

  • An organization that has other revenue sources may seek only partial cost recovery.

Survival -

  • In situations such as market decline and overcapacity, the goal may be to select a price that will cover costs and permit the firm to remain in the market. In this case, survival may take a priority over profits, so this objective is considered temporary.

Status quo -

  • The firm may seek price stabilization to avoid price wars and maintain a moderate but stable level of profit.
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