Explain competitive learning.

Explain competitive learning.

1 Answer

Competitive learning :-

  • Competitive learning is a form of unsupervised learning in artificial neural networks, in which nodes compete for the right to respond to a subset of the input data.

  • A variant of Hebbian learning, competitive learning works by increasing the specialization of each node in the network. It is well suited to finding clusters within data.

  • Models and algorithms based on the principle of competitive learning include vector quantization and self-organizing maps.

  • In a competitive learning model, there are hierarchical sets of units in the network with inhibitory and excitatory connections.

  • The excitatory connections are between individual layers and the inhibitory connections are between units in layered clusters.

  • Units in a cluster are either active or inactive.

  • There are three basic elements to a competitive learning rule :

    • A set of neurons that are all the same except for some randomly distributed synaptic weights, and which therefore respond differently to a given set of input patterns.

    • A limit imposed on the “strength” of each neuron.

    • A mechanism that permits the neurons to compete for the right to respond to a given subset of inputs, such that only one output neuron (or only one neuron per group), is active (i.e., “on”) at a time. The neuron that wins the competition is called a “winner-take-all” neuron.

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