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The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD):
The Delhi-based National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), established by the Government of India, is an apex body for coordinating and overseeing the activities of various institutions and agencies engaged in entrepreneurship development, particularly in the l area of small industry and small business.
Over the years, the Institute stands devoted itself to evolving model syllabi for training various target groups-by effective training strategies, methodology, manuals and tools; facilitating and supporting Central/State governments and other agencies in benefit and accelerating entrepreneurship development; conducting programs for motivators, trainers, and entrepreneurs which are commonly not undertaken by other agencies.
Above all organizing those that help in developing entrepreneurial culture is worth appreciation in society.
The Institute is also the secretariat of the National Entrepreneurship Development Board (B), the apex body which determines policy for entrepreneurship development in the country.
The Institute, therefore, performs the task of processing the recommendations made by the Board.
The main objectives of the NIESBUD are:
To accelerate the process of entrepreneurship development ensuring its impact throughout the country and among all segments of the society.
To help/support institutions/agencies in carrying out activities relating to entrepreneurship development with greater success.
To evolve a standardized process of selection, training support and, sustenance to potential entrepreneurs enabling them to set up and run their enterprise successfully.
To provide vital information support to trainers, promoters and entrepreneurs by organizing documentation and research work relevant to entrepreneurship development.
To provide functional forums for interaction and exchange of experiences helpful for Policy formulation and modification at various levels.
The activities of the Institute include evolving effective training strategies and methodology; standardizing model syllabi for training various target groups; formulating scientific selection procedures; developing training aids, manuals and tools; facilitating and supporting Central/State/other agencies in executing entrepreneurship development programs; maximizing the benefits and accelerating the process of entrepreneurship development.
The various functions which the National Institute has been called upon to perform are as follows:
To organize and conduct training programs;
To coordinate the training activities of various institutes and organizations in the country imparting training in entrepreneurship;
To affiliate institutes and organizations conducting entrepreneurship training;
To identify, train and assist potential entrepreneurs in technical and non-technical personnel in setting up self-employment ventures in small industries including service industries;
To hold examinations and tests and confer certificates and diplomas on the trainers as well as trainees;
To undertake documentation and research in the field of entrepreneurship and small business development;
To conduct workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. for promotion and development of entrepreneurship in small scale industries and small business;
To publish literature for the furtherance of entrepreneurship and small business development;
To provide a forum for interaction and exchange of view with agencies engaged in various aspects of entrepreneurship in small industries and small business development.
To assist in setting up of regional and state-level training institutes for entrepreneurship and small business development.
The Institute interacts with all other organization centers engaged in conducting entrepreneurship development programs in the country and provides them support in various areas including funding of programs wherever necessary and feasible.
The Institute addresses itself to working with them in enhancing the efficiency and utility of entrepreneurship development programs bringing about coordination.
With the setting up of this institute, entrepreneurship development in India through organized training has assumed added significance particularly for training educated unemployed youth for taking up self-employment ventures.