Write a short notes: (i) National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (NAYE) (ii) National Productivity Council (NPC).
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(i) National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (NAYE):

  • National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (NAYE) sponsored an Entrepreneurial Development Scheme with Bank of India in August 1972 on a pilot basis.

  • This the scheme, known as BINEDS, is operative in the States of Punjab, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territories of Chandigarh and Delhi. NA YE entered into similar arrangements with a few other banks as discussed below.

1. Dena Bank - NAYE:

  • For Promoting ancillary units and small scale enterprises in Madras.

2. Punjab National Bank- NAYE:

  • Entrepreneurship Assistance Programmer launched in the States of West Bengal and Bihar in March 1973.

3. Central Bank of India - NAYE:

  • Entrepreneurship Development The programmer is being implemented in Maharashtra.

4. Union Bank of India - NA YE:

  • Entrepreneurship Development The programmer was inaugurated in June 1975 in Tamilnadu to adopt 200 entrepreneurs.

  • The main objective of the scheme is to help young entrepreneurs in identifying investment and self-employment opportunities; securing proper arrangements for their training including the development of their manufacturing capabilities; providing necessary financial assistance based on properly prepared reports; securing a package of consultancy services on appropriate terms and arranging for all possible assistance, facilities and incentives to be extended to young entrepreneurs by Government and other institutions.

(ii) National Productivity Council (NPC):

  • Recently National Productivity Council has started a Package Consultancy Service to Small Industries.

  • This service is in three stages:

    (a) Training young and prospective entrepreneurs.

    (b) Undertake market surveys in the States:

  • These surveys are conducted for identifying investment opportunities and consumption patterns for the prospective entrepreneurs; develop a data bank for providing information in respect of investment opportunities and financial resources required, facilities available for obtaining loans; selection/ modernization of processes and equipment, product development, availability of raw materials and market opportunities, sales promotion and marketing and undertaking techno-economic feasibility studies either on behalf of prospective or existing entrepreneurs or behalf of financial institutions.

    (c) Post-investment service consultancy and follow-up in the following form:

  • To assist the entrepreneurs in repayment of loans in the minimum possible time by helping them in improving their enterprise-level productivity through periodical visits; assist the small scale industries in the training workers in specific trades and supervisory and managerial personnel in techno-managerial subjects, assist the existing enterprises in improving their enterprise level productivity through training and consultancy services; and assisting them in market studies and sales promotion.

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