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Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs):
- A network of Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs) was established by All Indian financial institutions in the seventies and the eighties in collaboration with state-level financial/development institutions and commercial banks to cater to the consultancy needs of small industries and new entrepreneurs.
At present, 17 TCOs are operating in various states, some of them covering more than one state. These 17 TCOs are:
1. Andhra Pradesh Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (APITCO).
2. Bihar Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (BITCO).
3. Gujarat Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (GITCO).
4. Haryana-Delhi Industrial Consultants Ltd. (HARDISON).
5. Himachal Consultancy Organization Ltd. (HIMCO).
6. Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization of Tamil Nadu Ltd. (SCOTT).
7. Jammu and Kashmir Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (J&KITCO).
8. Karnataka Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (KITCO).
9. Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organization Ltd. (MPCON).
10. Maharashtra Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization. Ltd. (MILTON).
11. North-Eastern Industrial Consultants Ltd. (NECON).
12. North-Eastern Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (NESTICO).
13. North-India Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (NEOCON).
14. Orissa Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (ORICON).
15. Rajasthan Consultancy Organization Ltd. (RAJCON).
16. U.P. Industrial Consultants Ltd. (UPICO).
17. West Bengal Consultancy Organization Ltd. (WEB CON).
Initially, TCOs’ functions were focused on pre-investment studies for small and medium-scale enterprises. Over the years, they have diversified its functions to include the following:
To prepare project profiles and feasibility profiles.
To undertake industrial potential surveys.
To identify potential entrepreneurs and provide them with technical and management assistance.
To undertake market research and surveys for specific products.
To supervise the project and where necessary, render technical and administrative assistance.
To undertake export consultancy for export-oriented projects based on modern technology.
To conduct entrepreneurship development programs.
To offer merchant banking services.
A summary view of the progress/performance of TCOs.