Explain McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory with diagram.
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McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory:

  • Each person tends to develop certain motivational drives as a result of his cognitive pattern and the environment in which he lives.

  • David McClelland gave a model of motivation which is based on three types of needs, namely, achievement, power, and affiliation.

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  • They are as follows:

(i) Need for achievement (n - Ach):

  • a drive to excel, advance, and grow;

(ii) Need for power (n-Pow):

  • A drive to influence others and situations;

(iii) Need for affiliation (n-Aft):

  • A drive for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.

(i) Achievement Motivation:

  • Some people have a compelling drive to succeed and they strive for personal achievement rather than the rewards of the success that accompanies it.

  • They have a desire to do something better or more efficiently than it has been done before This drive is the achievement need (n-Ach).

  • From research into the area of achievement need, McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things better.

  • They seek situations where they can attain personal responsibility for finding solutions to, problems, where they can receive rapid feedback on they're performing so they can set moderately challenging goals.

  • High achievers are not gamblers; they dislike succeeding by chance.

  • They prefer the challenge of working on a problem and accepting the personal responsibility for the success or failure, rather than leaving the outcome to chance or the actions of others.

(ii) Power Motivation:

  • The need for power (n-Pow) is a drive to have an impact, be influential and control others. Individuals high in n-Pow enjoy being “in charge”, striving for influence over others, prefer to be placed into competitive and status-oriented situations, and tend to be more concerned with gaining influence over others and prestige than with effective performance.

  • Power-motivated people wish to create an impact on their organizations and are willing to take risks to do so.

(iii) Affiliation Motivation:

  • This need has received the least attention from researchers. Affiliation need (n-Aft) can be viewed as the desire to be liked and accepted by others.

  • 1t is the drive to relate to people on a social basis. Individuals with a high affiliation motive strive for friendship, prefer cooperative situations rather than competitive ones, and desire relationships involving a high degree of mutual understanding.

  • People possess the above needs in varying degrees. However, one of the needs will tend to be more characteristic of the individual rather than the other two.

  • Individuals with a high need for achievement thrive on jobs and projects that tax their skills and abilities. Such individuals are goal-oriented in their activities, seek a challenge, and want task-relevant feedback.

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