Database System
- A database system isacollection of data as well as programs
required to manage that data.
- A database system isacomputerized record-keeping
- The main purpose of this system is to maintain data and
provide it to the user when it is required.
- Data is the most important component of database system.
- Data isacollection of facts stored in the database.
- The basic purpose ofadatabase system is to store,
maintain and process data for the user.
- The physical components ofacomputer system are called
- The hardware is used to perform different tasks such as input, storage
and processing.
- Some important hardware components are as follov
- Secondary storage
- I/0 devices
- Processors
- Main memory
- Software isacollection of programs used by computer
withinadatabase system.
- The most important software is DBMS itself. It uses
three type of software to enable the data base system
work properly.
- These are as follows:
- Operating system software:
- DBMS Software
Application programs and utilities.
Operating system software:
- It manages all hardware components.
- It also enanles all other software to run on the
DBMS Software
- to manages the database in the database system.
Application programs and utilities:
- the application programmers write application
Programs to access data from database.
4. Personnel
The people related to the database system are called personnel.
Different types of persons inadatabase system are as follows:
1.Database Administrators: