written 2.7 years ago by | • modified 2.7 years ago |
VHDL description of Logic Gates:
Hardware description languages (HDLs) differ from software programming languages because HDLs include ways of describing logic connections and characteristics.
An HDL implements a logic design in hardware (PLD), whereas a software programming language, such as C or BASIC, instructs existing hardware what to do.
The two standard HDLs used for programming PLDs are VHDL and Verilog. Both of these HDLs have their advocates, but VHDL will be used in this textbook.
Shows VHDL programs for gates described in this VHDL description. Two gates are left as Checkup exercises. VHDL has an entity/architecture structure.
The entity defines the logic element and its inputs/outputs or ports; the architecture describes the logic operation. Keywords that are part of the VHDL syntax are shown bold for clarity.
(a) OR gate:
entity OR gate is,
port (A, B: in bit; X: out bit);
end entity OR gate;
architecture OR function of OR gate is,
X 6= A OR B;
end architecture OR function;
(b) AND gate:
entity AND gate is,
port (A, B: in bit; X: out bit);
end entity AND gate;
architecture AND function of AND gate is,
X 6= A AND B;
end architecture AND function;
(c) NAND gate:
entity NAND gate is,
port (A, B, C: in bit; X: out bit);
end entity NAND gate;
architecture NAND function of NAND gate is,
end architecture NAND function;
(d) XNOR gate:
entity XNOR gate is,
port (A, B: in bit; X: out bit);
end entity XNOR gate;
architecture XNOR function of XNOR gate is,
X 6= A XNOR B;
end architecture XNOR function;
(e) NOT gate:
entity Inverter is,
port (A: in bit; X: out bit);
end entity Inverter;
architecture NOT function of Inverter is
X 6= NOT A;
end architecture NOT function;