Define different types of Satellite Communication and Uses of Communication Satellites
1 Answer

Based on the service provided, there are different categories of satellite communication which includes fixed-satellite, mobile satellite, and broadcast satellite services.

  • Fixed-satellite service (FSS): This system aids in the data transmitting across the world throughout permanent point on the surface of the earth. Defined by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) as “the radiocommunication service between earth stations at given positions, when one or more satellites are used.” Used for telephone calls and TV broadcasting, this service is characterized by the low-power signals it transmits and the relatively large dish antennas required to receive it.

  • Mobile Satellite Services (MSS): According to ITU, these include the “radiocommunication service between mobile Earth stations, between space stations or between mobile Earth stations by means of one or more space stations.” In other words, this category includes two-way voice and data communications, including for people who are moving around. This system is used in connecting aircraft, ships at remote places.

  • Broadcast Satellite Services (BSS): Referring to the ITU, these include “radiocommunication service in which signals transmitted or retransmitted by space stations are intended for direct reception by the general public.”

Uses of Satellite Communication:

  • The communication satellites are used for sending microwave and TV signals from one place to another.

  • The communication satellite is used for telephony.

  • The communication satellites are used for weather forecasting.

  • The communication satellites are used for detecting water resource -locations and areas rich in ores.

  • The communication satellites are used for spying In enemy countries i.e. It can be used for military purposes

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