written 2.7 years ago by |
Einstein's co-efficient of stimulated emission:-
Einstein found a new process called stimulated emission to increase the number of transition of atoms from higher energy levels to lower energy levels.
Stimulated emission is the process of photon emissions takes place by an inducement given by another photon incident on the atoms in higher energy levels.
The energy of the photon emitted is equal to the energy of the photon incident.
Consider an atom in the higher energy level (E2).
When an external radiation of photon energy E2 - E1 is incident on the excited atom, the photon stimulates the atom to make transition from higher to lower energy level.
As a result the same photon energy E2 - E1 is emitted in the form of radiation.
During this process, the stimulating photon and the photon emitted by the excited atom are emitted simultaneously in the same direction.
Hence they are identical in phase, direction and frequency and are coherent. This process of stimulated emission is used to produce laser beam.
1) the number of atoms in the higher energy level (N2)
2) The number of photons in the incident radiation (Q)
$$ie N_{st} ∝ N_2 Q \ (or)\ N_{st} = BN_2 Q$$
Where B is a constant known as the probability of stimulated transition per unit time. Also it is called Einstein's co-efficient of stimulated emission.
The stimulated emission can be multiplied through a chain reaction as shown in the figure.
When a single photon hits an atom in the higher energy level, two photons are emitted by stimulated emission.
Then these two photons hit on two atoms of higher level, four photons are emitted. This process is continued as a chain reaction and the photons are getting multiplied.
Finally it leads to the emission of the powerful, coherent, monochromatic and highly directional beam of laser light. This is called Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
This amplification takes place only if there are more number of atoms in the excited state (higher energy level) than in the ground state (lower energy level).