Explain changing views of quality with reference to past and present in quality management
1 Answer
Past Present
Quality is the responsibility of blue-collar workers and direct labour employees working on the floor. Quality is everyone’s responsibility, including white collar workers, the indirect labor force, and the overhead staff.
Quality defects should be hidden from the customers. Defects should be highlighted and brought to the surface for corrective action.
Quality problems lead to blame, faulty justification, and excuses. Quality problems lead to cooperative solutions.
Corrections-to-quality problems should be accomplished with minimum documentation. Documentation is essential for “lessons learned” so that mistakes are not repeated.
Increased quality will increase project costs. Improved quality saves money and increases business.
Quality is internally focused. Quality is customer focused.
Quality will not occur without close supervision of people. People want to produce quality products.
Quality occurs during project execution. Quality occurs at project initiation and must be planned for within the project.
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