Explain The Dining-Philosophers Problem Solution using monitor.
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written 2.7 years ago by |
Dining-Philosophers Solution Using Monitors
• We now illustrate monitor concepts by presenting a deadlock-free solution to the dining- philosophers problem.
• This solution imposes the restriction that a philosopher may pick up his chopsticks only if both of them are available.
• To code this solution, we need to distinguish among three states in which we may find a philosopher. For this purpose, we introduce the following data structure:
enum { thinking, hungry, eating } state [5];
• Philosopher i can set the variable state [i] = eating only if his two neighbors are not eating: (state [(i+4) % 5] != eating) and (state [(i+1)% 5] != eating).
• We also need to declare condition self [5];
where philosopher i can delay himself when
he is hungry but is unable to obtain the chopsticks he needs.
A monitor solution to the dining-philosopher problem
monitor dp {
enum { THINKING, HUNGRY, EATING} state [5];
condition self [5];
void pickup (int i) {
state [i] = HUNGRY;
test (i) ;
if (state [i]!= EATING)
self [i].wait() ;
void putdown(int i) {
state [i] = THINKING;
test ((i + 4) % 5);
test ((i + 1) % 5);
void test (int i) {
if ((state [(i + 4) % 5] != EATING) &&
(state [i] == HUNGRY) &&
(state [(i + 1) % 5]!= EATING)) {
state [i] = EATING;
self [i].signal() ;
initialization-code () {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
state [i] = THINKING;
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