written 2.8 years ago by | • modified 2.8 years ago |
N-Queens problem
The N - Queens problem is to place N - queens in such a manner on an N x N chessboard that no queens attack each other by being in the same row, column, or diagonal.
Here, we solve the problem for N = 4 Queens.
Before solving the problem, let's know about the movement of the queen in chess.
In the chess game, a queen can move any number of steps in any direction like vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.
The only constraint is that it can’t change its direction while it’s moving.
In the 4 - Queens problem we have to place 4 queens such as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 on the chessboard, in such a way that no two queens attack each other.
To solve this problem generally Backtracking algorithm or approach is used.
Backtracking -
In backtracking, start with one possible move out of many available moves, then try to solve the problem.
If it can solve the problem with the selected move then it will print the solution, else it will backtrack and select some other move and try to solve it.
If none of the moves works out the claim that there is no solution for the problem.
Algorithm for N-Queens Problem using Backtracking
Step 1 - Place the queen row-wise, starting from the left-most cell.
Step 2 - If all queens are placed then return true and print the solution matrix.
Step 3 - Else try all columns in the current row.
Condition 1 - Check if the queen can be placed safely in this column then mark the current cell [Row, Column] in the solution matrix as 1 and try to check the rest of the problem recursively by placing the queen here leads to a solution or not.
Condition 2 - If placing the queen [Row, Column] can lead to the solution return true and print the solution for each queen's position.
Condition 3 - If placing the queen cannot lead to the solution then unmark this [row, column] in the solution matrix as 0, BACKTRACK, and go back to condition 1 to try other rows.
Step 4 - If all the rows have been tried and nothing worked, return false to trigger backtracking.
The Working of an Algorithm to solve the 4-Queens Problem
To solve the problem place a queen in a position and try to find out all the possibilities for any queen being under attack or not.
Based on the findings place only one queen in each row/column.
If we found that the queen is under attack at its chosen position, then try for the next position.
If a queen is under attack at all the positions in a row, we backtrack and change the position of the queen placed prior to the current position.
Repeat this process of placing a queen and backtracking until all the N queens are placed successfully.
Step 1 -
As this is the 4-Queens problem, therefore, create a $4 \times 4$ chessboard.
Step 2 -
- Place the Queen Q1 at the left-most position which means row 1 and column 1.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q1. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q1 at [1, 1] position:
Step 3 -
- The possible safe cells for Queen Q2 at row 2 are of column3 and 4 because these cells do not come under the attack from a queen Q1.
- So, here we place Q2 at the first possible safe cell which is row 2 and column 3.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q2. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q2 at [2, 3] position:
Step 4 -
- We see that no safe place is remaining for the Queen Q3 if we place Q2 at position [2, 3]
- Therefore make position [2, 3] false and backtrack.
Step 5 -
- So, we place Q2 at the second possible safe cell which is row 2 and column 4.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q2. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q2 at [2, 4] position:
Step 6 -
- The only possible safe cell for Queen Q3 is remaining in row 3 and column 2.
- Therefore, we place Q3 at the only possible safe cell which is row 3 and column 2.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q3. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q3 at [3, 2] position:
Step 7 -
- We see that no safe place is remaining for the Queen Q4 if we place Q3 at position [3, 2]
- Therefore make position [3, 2] false and backtrack.
Step 8 -
- This time we backtrack to the first queen Q1.
- Place the Queen Q1 at column 2 of row 1.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q1. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q1 at [1, 2] position:
Step 9 -
- The only possible safe cell for Queen Q2 is remaining in row 2 and column 4.
- Therefore, we place Q2 at the only possible safe cell which is row 2 and column 4.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q2. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q2 at [2, 4] position:
Step 10 -
- The only possible safe cell for Queen Q3 is remaining in row 3 and column 1.
- Therefore, we place Q3 at the only possible safe cell which is row 3 and column 1.
- Mark the cells of the chessboard with cross marks that are under attack from a queen Q3. (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal move of the queen)
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q3 at [3, 1] position:
Step 11 -
- The only possible safe cell for Queen Q4 is remaining in row 4 and column 3.
- Therefore, we place Q4 at the only possible safe cell which is row 4 and column 3.
- The chessboard looks as follows after placing Q3 at [4, 3] position:
Step 12 -
- Now, here we got the solution for the 4-queens problem because all 4 queens are placed exactly in each row/column individually.
All these procedures are shown sequentially in the below figure:
- This is not the only possible solution to the problem.
- If we move each queen one step forward in a clockwise manner, we get another solution.
- This is also shown sequentially in the below figure:
- In this example we placed the queens according to rows, we can do the same thing column-wise also.
- In that case, each queen will belong to a column.