Demonstrate CRUD operations on database using python.

Program to demonstrate CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on database (SQLite/ MySQL) using python.

1 Answer

Database CRUD Operations on SQLite Database using Python

  • Python has built-in support for SQLite database through the sqlite3 module.

  • The CRUD represents the basic database operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete.

  • SQLite database is an open-source and self-configured relational database engine that doesn't require a server configuration like other databases.

  • SQLite is freely downloadable from its official website.

  • To create a new SQLite database, navigate from the command prompt to the folder where you have unzipped the archive and enter the commands to perform the required operations.

  • The first step is to create a database in SQLite using a command prompt.

SQLite CMD Command for database creation

  • Here, we create the database named "database.db" and after creating this any SQL query will be executed by using Python.

  • To do this first required to connect with SQLite database.

    • The sqlite3 module needs to be imported first. import sqlite3
    • Then connect() function needs to be executed. db=sqlite3.connect('database.db')

Methods used in the Python Program to perform various SQLite database operations are as follows:

Python Methods Description for the Method
The connect() method It returns a connection to the object that refers to the existing database or a new database if it doesn't exist.
The cursor() method It returns a Cursor object which uses this connection. It enables working with the database and acts as a handle for a given SQL query to READ one or more rows from the database table. cur=db.cursor()
The execute() method It executes the SQL query in a string parameter. If an incorrect SQL query is used then it creates an Exception. Therefore, is always placed within the try and except block.
The commit() method It ensures transaction control. It saves the effect of the right SQL query persistently.
The rollback() method It ensures transaction control. It undone the pending transactions if the SQL query fails, the resulting exception is processed by the except block.
The fetchone() method Fetches the next available record from the result set. It is a tuple consisting of values of each column of the fetched record. It uses a loop to iterate through the result set.
The fetchall() method Fetches all remaining records in the form of a list of tuples. Each tuple corresponds to one record and contains values of each column in the table.
The close() method It closes the connection with the database permanently. Attempts to use the connection after calling this method will raise a DB-API Error.

Basic SYNTAX for execute() method:

    cur.execute("SQL Query")
    print ("Success Message")
    print ("Error Message")

1] CREATE a Table in SQLite

  • A string enclosing the CREATE TABLE query is passed as a parameter to the execute() method of the cursor object.
  • The following code creates the "book" table in the “database.db” database.
import sqlite3
    cur =db.cursor()
    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE book (
    title TEXT (20) NOT NULL,
    author TEXT (20),
    publisher TEXT (20));''')
    print ('Table Created Successfully')
    print ('Error in Operation')
  • If the "book" table is created successfully in SQLite then the program shows the message as Table Created Successfully otherwise shows an Error in Operation message.
  • This can be verified using the .tables command in the SQLite shell as follows:

sqlite .table command in CMD

  • This shows a table named "book" because it is created successfully using the python program.

2] Insert a Record into Table

  • The execute() method of the cursor object should be called with a string argument representing the INSERT query syntax.
  • An earlier table named "book" is created having three fields: title, author, and publisher.
  • Therefore string holding the INSERT query can be written as follows:
import sqlite3
qry="insert into book (title, author, publisher) values('Internet Programming', 'Binita Mayekar', 'Ques10');"
    print ("One Record Added Successfully")
    print ("Error in operation")
  • If data is inserted into the table successfully then the program shows the message as One Record added successfully otherwise shows an Error in Operation message.
  • Similarly, n number of data records added to the database table.

3] READ Records from the Table

  • The query string holds a SELECT query, the execute() method forms a result set object containing the records returned.
  • Here, the fetchone() method is used to read the data from the table.
  • The same operations can also be performed using the fetchall() method.
import sqlite3
sql="SELECT * from book;"
while True:
    if record==None:
    print (record)
  • This program shows the following output:

READ operation using Python

  • As we inserted two more records this shows a total of 3 records from the table “book”.

4] UPDATE a Record in the Table

  • The query string in the execute() method should contain an UPDATE query syntax.
  • The below program updates the value of the 'author' attribute as AUTHOR where 'title = abc' in the “book” table.
import sqlite3
qry="update book set author=? where title=?;"
    cur.execute(qry, ('AUTHOR','abc'))
    print("Record Updated Successfully")
    print("Error in Operation")
  • If data is updated successfully into the table then the program shows the message as Record Updated Successfully otherwise shows an Error in Operation message.
  • This can be verified using the select *book command in SQLite shell OR again run fetchone() or fectchall() method of python program to check table data.

UPDATE operation using Python

  • Here, we READ records from the table "book" again using the python program that shows us updated Record for the third row where title = abc.

5] DELETE a Record from the Table

  • The query string should contain the DELETE query syntax.
  • The below code is used to delete the record for 'publisher = pqr' from the “book” table.
import sqlite3
qry="DELETE from book where publisher=?;"
    cur.execute(qry, ('pqr',))
    print("Record Deleted Successfully")
    print("Error in Operation")
  • If data is deleted successfully from the table then the program shows the message as Record Deleted Successfully otherwise shows an Error in Operation message.
  • This can be verified using the select *book command in SQLite shell OR again run fetchone() or fectchall() method of python program to check table data.

DELETE operation using Python

  • Here, we verified this by using the select *book command in SQLite shell using the command prompt that shows the third row where publisher = pqr deleted from the table.
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