Draw an ER diagram for ticketing system

Navi Mumbai Municipal Transport (NMMT) runs different types of buses between sources and destinations. Fare change for different types of buses. Passengers buy tickets and pay by different payment modes. Construct ER-Diagram for new ticketing system for NMMT. (Assume suitable data if required)

1 Answer

ER Diagram for New Ticket System for NMMT


The above Ticket System for NMMT contains the following Entities and attributes:

Entity - Passenger

Attributes of Passenger – p_id, p_name, p_age, p_pass, p_add, and p_no.

Primary Key – p_id

Entity – Payment

Attributes of Payment – id, p_mode, p_date, and p_amount

Primary Key – id

Entity – Ticket

Attributes of Ticket – t_id, t_type, t_date, t_source, and t_destination

Primary Key – t_id

Entity – Conductor

Attributes of Conductor – c_id, c_name, c_age, and c_address

Primary Key – c_id

Entity - NMMT Bus

Attributes of NMMT Bus – b_no, b_type, b_destination, b_route, and b_time

Primary Key – b_no

Relationship between different Entities as follows:

  • Passenger can do one or more number of payments to buy Tickets

Passenger processes Payment represents a one-to-many relationship. (1-to-M)

  • Payment can be made to buy one or more tickets

Ticket buy through the Payment represents a one-to-many relationship. (1-to-M)

  • The Conductor checks more than one Ticket

The conductor checks the Ticket represents a one-to-many relationship. (1-to-M)

  • NMMT Bus has a one Conductor

NMMT Bus has one Conductor representing a one-to-one relationship. (1-to-1)

  • NMMT Bus has many Passengers

Passenger travel through NMMT Bus represents a one-to-many relationship. (1-to-M)

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