Give any two examples of ecosystems with a brief explanation.
1 Answer

Two example of ecosystem are - The Agro ecosystem and The Aquatic ecosystem

1. The AgroEcosystem

  • Agroecosystem a spatially and functionally coherent unit of agricultural activity. Includes the living and non-living components and their interactions.

  • Unlike natural communities or ecosystems, the agroecosystem has clear natural boundaries because of the way humans build fields.The a0groecosystem has clear natural boundaries because of the way humans build fields.

  • AgroEcosystems are microcosms of ecology and evolution which are simpler than natural ecosystems.

  • Farmers manage agroecosystems.

    • Species diversity is purposefully kept low.

    • Fewer ecological interactions, and many of them are controlled

    • Much of they physical environment is also managed.

Ecology and evolution and agriculture

  • 10000 B.C.: harnessed the basics of evolution, largely by accident.

    • Selection for vield, non-shattering
  • 10000 B.C. - 1800s: Learned to control ecology in fields.

    • Nutrient tcycling, enemy control, weed
  • Machines.

    • (Probably undid some of the ecology understanding)
  • 1960s-200s; Genetics

    • Damon
  • Today/Future; Data!

    • And you thought pivot tables were useless!

2. Aquatic ecosystem

  • Comprises of the marine environment of the sea and fresh water systems in lakes, rivers, ponds and wet lands.

  • These ecosystems provide human being with a wealth of natural resources like fish and crustaceans.

  • The aquatic ecosystem may be classified as stagnant ecosystem and running water ecosystem.


  • Is a fairly small body of still water

  • Most ponds become dry after the rain and get covered by plants for the rest of the year

  • When a pond begins to fill during the rains, life forms such as algae and microscopic animals, aquatic insects, snails and worms come out of the floor of the pond

  • More complex animals like crabs frogs and fish gradually return to the pond.

  • The vegetation in the water consist of floating weeds and rooted vegetation's

Streams and rivers

  • These are flowing fresh water bodies

  • They act as major transporters of materials from land to sea

  • Differ widely in volume of water, speed of flow, oxygen content, temperature etc.

  • Composition of plant and animal depend on the source or origin of the river

  • The rivers can have sandy, rocky or muddy bed, each type have its own species of plants and animals


  • It is a body of water completely surrounded by land

  • It can either be salty or fresh water

  • Glaciers move forward, it craves away a deep valley and when ice melts it forms a lake in the valley

  • Lakes are short lives surfaces, water can sink into the ground or evaporate into the sky

Ocean and sea

  • About $70 \%$ of the world is covered by water and $97 \%$ of this lies in the ocean and sea

  • Major effect upon the weather

  • Absorbs the suns heat and distributes around the earth warming the air

  • Generates rain fall

  • Include various carnivores and herbivores fishes

  • The area at the mouth of the river where the river joins the sea is called estuary

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