Environmental Studies : Question Paper Jun 2014 - First Year Engineering (C Cycle) (Semester 2) | Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU)
1 Answer

Environmental Studies - Jun 2014

First Year Engineering (C Cycle) (Semester 2)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 Amount of carbon di oxide present in atmospheric air is
a) 21%
b) 0.383%
c) 78%
(1 marks)
10 During green house effect, carbon di oxide and water vapour absorbs
a) Short wave radiation
b) Long wave radiations
c) Solar radiations
d) UV radiations
(1 marks)
11 Bhopal gas tragedy was caused due to the leakage of___
a) CH4
b) MIC
c) SO2
d) Pesticides
(1 marks)
12 Karnataka state pollution control board was established in the year
a) 1984
b) 1976
c) 1974
(1 marks)
13 Among all oxides of nitrogen which one is responsible for the formation of acid rain
a) Nitrous oxide
b) Nitric oxide
c) Nitrogen trioxide
d) Nitrogen pentoxide
(1 marks)
14 The liquid waste generated from municipal solid waste disposal pits is called
a) Solid waste water
b) Sewage
c) Leachate
d) Compost waste water
(1 marks)
15 Minimum allowable limit of noise pollution for Human persistence is __
a) 40dB
b) 90dB
c) 45dB
d) 55dB
(1 marks)
16 Example of tertiary consumers
a) Plants
b) Cattle
c) Snake
d) Elephant
(1 marks)
17 As per BIS, the minimum allowable limit of iron content in drinking water is ____
a) 1.0mg/l
b) 0.2mg/l
c) 0.3mg/l
d) 0.5mg/l
(1 marks)
18 In Hydro-power plants, power is generated by ___
a) Solar
b) Thermal
c) Water
d) Coal
(1 marks)
19 The PH value of acid rain was recorded in early days
a) 2.5
b) 7.5
c) 4.7
(1 marks)
2 Estuary means
a) Rich in nutrients
b) End point of a river
c) Meeting place of a river an sea
d) Treatment of water
(1 marks)
20 First international earth summit was held at
a) USA
b) Russia
c) Rio-de-Janeiro
d) Johannesburg
(1 marks)
21 Expansion of the term WWF is
a) World wide life force
b) World wide forest
c) World wide life forest
d) World wild life fund
(1 marks)
22 Maximum allowable concentration of total hardness as per BIS in drinking water
a) 600mg/l
b) 300mg/l
c) 1000mg/l
d) 250mg/l
(1 marks)
23 Water pollution prevention and control Act was enacted in the year
a) 1986
b) 1974
c) 1981
(1 marks)
24 Stone cancer is an effect of ___
a) Climate change
b) Hard water
c) Acid rain
d) Excess of calcium
(1 marks)
25 Most stable ecosystem is
a) Mountain
b) Ocean

c) Population
d) Fossil fuels
(1 marks)
26 Anthropogenic activities means
a) Natural made
b) Biological
c) Man made
d) Animal made
(1 marks)
27 Which of the following energy source is less eco-friendly
a) Wind
b) Water
c) Solar
d) Thermal
(1 marks)
28 Which of the following is a biotic component of the eco-system
a) Sunlight
b) Fungi
c) Temperature
d) Water
(1 marks)
29 Generation of wind energy is mainly based on which factor
a) Direction of wind
b) Storms
c) Velocity of wind
d) Wind pressure
(1 marks)
3 Physical pollution of water is due to
a) Chlorides
b) Turbudity
c) PH
d) All of these
(1 marks)
30 Example for abiotic component in an eco-system is
a) Plants
b) Food
c) Water
d) Live stock
(1 marks)
31 Eutrophication means
a) Quality of water in lakes
b) Enrichment of plant nutrients in water
c) Water purification in technique
d) Meeting point of river and sea
(1 marks)
32 Earth's body temperature is approximately equal to__
a) 16.4 C
b) 16.6 C
c) 36 C
d) 21.6 C
(1 marks)
33 Presence of BOD in drinking water indicates
a) Rich content of oxygen
b) Organic matter
c) Turbudity
d) Physical impurities
(1 marks)
34 Which of the following is a natural source of air pollution?
a) Acid rain
b) Precipitation
c) Storms
d) Volcanic eruptions
(1 marks)
35 Effect of carbon monoxide on blood causing
a) H2CO3
b) COHb
c) CO2Hb
d) HbCO2
(1 marks)
36 Ozone is present in which layer of the atmosphere
a) Ozonosphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Toposphere
d) Ionosphere
(1 marks)
37 What is the maximim allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water
a) 1.0mg/l
b) 1.25mg/l
c) 1.50mg/l
d) 1.60mg/l
(1 marks)
38 Which of the following gas is not concern to green house effect
a) CO2
b) CH4
c) SO2
d) H2O vapour
(1 marks)
39 Which of the following is not a renewable source of energy?
a) Solar
b) Wind
c) Nuclear
d) Geo-Thermal
(1 marks)
4 Control of water Borne diseases can be achieved effectively in a community by
a) Defluoridation
b) Disinfection
c) Sterilization
d) Vaccination
(1 marks)
40 Optimum groth of bacteria in favourable PH value of
a) 6.5-8.5
b) 7.0
c) 6.5-7.5
d) 7.0-14.0
(1 marks)
41 HIV can be transmitted to humans through which media?
a) Air
b) Blood
c) Virus
d) Hereditary
(1 marks)
42 Mineral resources are
a) Renewable
b) Fossil Fuels
c) Non-renewable
d) Sedimentary rocks
(1 marks)
43 World Ozone day is being celebrated on every year
a) 15th Sept
b) 16th Oct
c) 16th Sept
d) 22nd April
(1 marks)
44 Contribution of carbon di oxide to global warming from industries
a) 50%
b) 24%
c) 25%
(1 marks)
45 Which atmospheric layer is closest to the Earth's surface
a) Mesosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Thermosphere
(1 marks)
46 The air prevention and control of pollution Act was enacted in
a) 1987
b) 1974
c) 1981
(1 marks)
47 Smog is formed by the reaction of which air pollutants
a) Smoke and Mist
b) Smoke and fog
c) Smoke and Bio-Gas
d) Smoke and dust
(1 marks)
48 Which of the following is not a solution to global warming
a) Reducing use of fossil fuels
b) Planting more trees
c) Deforestation
d) Reducing vehicular transportation
(1 marks)
49 Methemoglobinemia is caused by contamination of water due to __
a) Mercury
b) Nitrate
c) Arsenic
d) Nitrates
(1 marks)
5 Ozone layer thickness is measured in which units
a) PPM
b) PPB
c) Db
d) DU
(1 marks)
50 Earth's Day is celebrated on every year
a) June 22nd
b) Sept. 22nd
c) April 22nd
d) June 5th
(1 marks)
6 Demography means
a) Study of forests
b) Study on Human activities
c) Study on earthquakes
d) Study on population growths
(1 marks)
7 Freon's are called
a) Hydrocarbons
b) Ozone
c) Methane
d) Solvents
(1 marks)
8 Which of the following is a biodegradable pollutant
a) DDT
b) Sewage
c) CFC
d) Freon's
(1 marks)
9 Percentage of ground water available on Earth's environment is
a) 0.02
b) 0.5
c) 1.5
(1 marks)

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