Explain Data Protection in Cloud
1 Answer

Data Protection in Cloud

  • Cloud data protection is a practice used to secure stored, and moving data in any type of cloud environment.
  • The stored data is also called data at rest whereas moving data is also called data in motion.
  • Cloud data protection practice can be performed wherever the data is situated irrespective of who handled it, internally by an organization or externally by a third-party cloud service provider.
  • It was created to implement data storage, protection, and security methodologies.
  • Cloud data protection provides and ensures various services and processes, such as
    • Integrity: It maintains data in the same form as it is in the stored version. To do this data encryption functions are created to protect data from illegal editing and type of corruption.
    • Storage management: The cloud infrastructure gives a secure, continuously available interface for accessing data whenever needed. It also maintains a record of every data access, modification, and copying action.
    • Infrastructure security: This is a collection of various processes, policies, and measures that ensure cloud infrastructure security.

Need of Data Protection in Cloud

  • Organizations collect huge amounts of data like highly confidential business, financial, and customer information up to the unimportant data.
  • Organizations also move numerous amounts of their data to the cloud and store it at multiple places over different types of public, private, and hybrid clouds, cloud storage environments, software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications.
  • Because of this, organizations are looking for how complicated protecting and securing all their data across multiple cloud environments can be.
  • Organizations are unaware of the location of all their applications and information.
  • Organizations don't know who is accessing their applications, data and from which devices because of third-party infrastructure.
  • Don't have any idea regarding how data is shared, stored, and secured by cloud service providers.
  • Fear of potential security risks like data breaches, loss of confidential data, and system vulnerabilities.

The Benefits of Data Protection in Cloud

  • Provides secure applications and data across multiple cloud environments.
  • Maintain complete visibility among all users, folders, and file activities.
  • Identify and manage risks like security threats, suspicious user behavior, malware, etc.
  • Provide better access and policies.
  • Detect and avoid data loss and disruption.

An example of cloud data protection is Data Protection as a Service (DPaaS), which is a cloud-based or web-delivered service for protecting data assets.

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