What is Remote monitoring? Explain benefits of remote monitoring.
1 Answer

Remote monitoring:

  • Remote Monitoring (RMON) is a standard monitoring specification that enables various network monitors and console systems to exchange network-monitoring data.
  • RMON provides standard information that a network administrator can use to monitor, analyze, and troubleshoot a group of distributed local area networks (LANs) and interconnecting T-1/E-1 and T-2/E-3 lines from a central site.
  • RMON specifically defines the information that any network monitoring system will be able to provide. RMON can be supported by hardware monitoring devices known as 'probes' or monitors through software or some combination.
  • For example, Cisco's line of LAN switches includes software in each switch that can trap information as traffic flows through and record it in its MIB (Management Information Base).
  • A software agent can gather the information for presentation to the network administrator with a graphical user interface. A number of vendors provide products with various kinds of RMON support.
  • RMON collects different kinds of information, including packets sent, bytes sent, packets dropped, statistics by host, by conversations between two sets of addresses, and certain kinds of events that have occurred.
  • RMON assists network administrators with efficient network infrastructure control and management. Alarms can be set in order to be aware of impending problems.

Benefits of remote monitoring:

Save time and increase efficiency:

  • Remote monitoring increases overall efficiency by saving time and reducing expenditures so that organizations can put their valuable resources elsewhere instead of manually tracking and compiling an inventory of a company’s IT assets.
  • With automated IT asset tracking software, all monitored computers in a network become visible in a single central console, providing organizations with real-time information they need in just a few clicks of a mouse, saving IT administrators weeks of intensive work.
  • Additionally, with remote monitoring, teams can share potential problems to address issues, resulting in better efficiencies and improved accuracy.

Receive proactive maintenance and early detection:

  • One of the most important benefits of remote monitoring is that it can be done 24/7 and send an alert any time of the day so that irregularities in the network can be addressed immediately.
  • Common irregularities and errors include disc space falls below a defined percentage of free space; Windows updates are turned off; antivirus software is out of date; and Windows firewall is disabled.
  • When an issue arises, remote monitoring sends an alert so that IT administrators are able take immediate and necessary measures to ensure that the issue does not result in diminished productivity and downtime.
  • Without remote monitoring, an issue might go unnoticed for days or weeks, resulting in a costly and large-scale problem.

Gain essential insights:

  • Remote monitoring can provide organizations with essential insights to the overall health of their network and areas that need improvement, saving a company’s IT administrator countless hours and resulting in a quick resolution of network issues to avoid costly downtime.
  • Additionally, because remote monitoring checks the network 24/7, organizations automatically receive information on all IT assets, such as patches, updates, and hardware upgrades, the database is automatically updated, and important business applications are always tracked.

Minimize business disruption:

  • No network is perfect, and when a problem arises, it needs to be addressed immediately and in the right way.
  • Downtime can prove costly each day and result in customers changing vendors. With around-the-clock remote monitoring, companies can fix their network issues as soon as they arise, anytime, anywhere, and improve overall customer service.
  • While technology disruptions can come in many forms, what is clearly evident is that those companies with remote monitoring in place can ensure that their networks are up-to-date, effectively reducing downtime and loss in productivity.
  • While remote monitoring can be applied to many industries of any size, it is a particularly effective solution for small to mid-sized companies, and the overall health and security of their IT systems by ensuring that even the smallest problem is detected and fixed immediately.
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