Differentiate Sensors and Transducers, and state five examples of each
1 Answer
Parameter Sensors Transducers
Definition A sensor is a tool that measures a material quantity and transforms it into a signal which can be converted by the observer or by a device. A transducer is a tool,generally electronic, EM, electrical, photovoltaic,that changes one kind of energy or attribute of physical to another for various purposes.
Feedback Feedback is present in sensors Feedback is absent in sensors
characteristic It detects required parameter It translates energy from one form to other form
calibration Calibration is required to get precise results Calibration is not required
Example Thermocouple that transforms the temperature to the voltage of output which can be interpreted by a voltmeter. Motor that translates electrical energy to mechanical energy.

Examples of Sensors:

  1. Motion sensor
  2. Sound detector used in microphone
  3. Bio-sensors
  4. Smoke sensor used in smoke alarms
  5. Light detector (LDR)


Examples of Transducers:

  1. LVDT
  2. Photo Cells
  3. LED’s
  4. Microphone
  5. Antennas
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