Compare the temperature transducers RTD, thermistors and thermocouples on the basis of principle, characteristics, ranges and applications.
1 Answer
Parameters Thermocouple RTD Thermistor
Cost Low High Low
Measurement Range Very wide

-350oF +3200oF | Wide -400oF +1200oF | Short to medium -100oF +500oF | | Interchange ability | Good | Excellent | Poor to fair | | Long-term Stability | Poor to fair | Good | Poor | | Accuracy | Medium | High | Medium | | Repeatability | Poor to fair | Excellent | Fair to good | | Sensitivity (output) | Low | Medium | Very high | | Response | Medium to fast | Medium | Medium to fast | | Linearity | Fair | Good | Poor | | Self Heating | No | Very low to low | High | | Point (end) Sensitive | Excellent | Fair | Good | | Lead Effect | High | Medium | Low | | Size/Packaging | Small to large | Medium to small | Small to medium | | Applications | Steel industry, thermoelectric cooling | Surface mount sensors and Immersion sensor | Current limiting device, degaussing coil |

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