Convert D FF to T FF and SR FF to JK FF.
1 Answer



  • A flip-flop is a device having two states and is capable to store a bit of information.

D flip-flop:-

  • D flip-flop is the data flip-flop. In SR flipflop two inputs are used to store a single input. D flip flop is designed to overcome this disadvantage. .The logic symbol and truth table of D flipflop are given below.

SR flip-flop:-

  • SR flip-flop is the simplest flip-flop. It is used to construct other flipflops.The logic symbol and truth table of SR flipflop are given below.

JK flip-flop:-

  • The uncertainity in the state of SR flipflop when S=R=1 can be eliminated in JK flip-flop.The logic symbol and truth table of JK flipflop are given below.

T flip flop:-

  • T flip flop is known as Toggle flip flop.It is a modification of JK flip flop. The logic symbol and truth table of T flipflop are given below.

Design of one flip-flop using another flip-flop:-

  1. Get the exitation tables of both flip flops.
  2. Construct the conversion table by taking the required flipflop inputs as data inputs and outputs become the inputs to the exitation table of converted flipflop.
  3. Prepare k-map for inputs of the converted flip flop taking required flipflop inputs and output. Simplify the K-map and obtain the minimal expression.
  4. Construct the required flipflop by using converted flipflops and other gates corresponding to the minimized expression.

Design T flip-flop using D flip-flop:-

Step 1: Get the exitation tables of both flip flops.

Present State Next State D Flip flop T Flip flop
Qn Qn+1 D T
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0

Step 2: Construct the conversion table by taking the required flipflop  inputs  as data inputs and outputs  become the inputs to the exitation table of converted flipflop.

Data Inputs Outputs Inputs to D
T Qn Qn+1 D
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0

Step 3: Prepare k-map for inputs of the converted flip flop taking required flipflop  inputs  and output.  Simplify the K-map and obtain the minimal expression.

Step 4:Construct the required flipflop by using  converted flipflops and other gates corresponding to the minimized expression.


Design JK flip-flop using SR flip-flop:-

Step 1: Get the exitation tables of both flip flops.

Present State Next State SR Flip flop JKFlip flop
Qn Qn+1 S R J K
0 0 0 X 0 X
0 1 1 0 1 X
1 0 0 1 X 1
1 1 X 0 X 0

Step 2: Construct the conversion table by taking the required flipflop  inputs  as data inputs and outputs  become the inputs to the exitation table of converted flipflop.

Data Inputs Outputs Inputs to SR
J K Qn Qn+1 S R
0 0 0 0 0 X
0 0 1 1 X 0
0 1 0 0 0 X
0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 X 0
1 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1

Step 3: Prepare k-map for inputs of the converted flip flop taking required flipflop  inputs  and output.  Simplify the K-map and obtain the minimal expression.

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