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Computer Programming - Dec 2013
First Year Engineering (Semester 1)
1 List some important hardware and software technologies of fifth generation computers.(2 marks)
10 Differentiate between structure and union.(2 marks)
11. (a) Write in detail about the evolution and the various generations of computers.(16 marks)
11. (b) Explain the basic computer organization using a neat diagram.(16 marks)
12. (a) Write about the need and types of looping statements in C language and discuss with examples.(16 marks)
12. (b) Write about the need and types of branching statements in C language and discuss with examples.(16 marks)
13. (a) (i) Write a C program to reverse a string .(8 marks)
13. (a) (ii Write a C program to print the Fibonacci series of a given number.(8 marks)
13. (b) Write a C program to find the sum of two matrices.(16 marks)
14. (a) (i) Explain the following with suitable examples.
i. Function declaration (8 marks)
14. (a) (ii Call by reference, Call by value.(8 marks)
14. (b) (i) Explain function with and without arguments with example for each.(10 marks)
14. (b) (ii What is recursion? Give an example.(6 marks)
15. (a) (i) What is storage class? List and explain with examples .(8 marks)
15. (a) (ii Define and declare a structure to store date, which including day, month , year.(8 marks)
15. (b) Write a C program to create a mark sheet for students using structure.(16 marks)
2 Write two characteristics of pseudo code.(2 marks)
3 What are various types of C operators?(2 marks)
4 Write a for loop statement to print numbers from 10 to 1.(2 marks)
5 Define array.(2 marks)
6 Name any two library functions used for string handling.(2 marks)
7 What is the need for function?(2 marks)
8 What is the use of pointers?(2 marks)
9 Write any two preprocessor directives in C.(2 marks)